On-target home ==> Description of Design Contest ==> Final Report Format


Cover page (1 page)

Team name, List of members, Photographs of design and team, Performance score, Placing in the competition according to performance score  

Introduction (0.5 page) 

Describe the contest and state your teams goals (length limit 1/2 of a page).

Design approach (0.5 page)

Summarize the steps used to arrive at your final design.

Engineering for low cost (1 page)

A short essay assessing the cost effectiveness of your design.

Present data on: 

  • engineering time (how much time each team member spent on this project; include all parts of the project including the final report) 
  • fabrication time (time required to construct of your final design)
  • materials cost (total cost of material for the final design and for the project).  

Describe whether your design approach was cost effective.

Measurement of CD (1 page)

Describe the measurement of the drag coefficient and present data for your final design.

Fabrication Specification (1 page)

Present plans for your final design.  The complete set of plans are called fabrication specifications. 

Results (0.5 page)

Summarize the results of your project. That is, performance score, placing in the competition, cost data,  and measurement of CD.  

Review (1 page)

What worked well in your design process?

What were the most important things learned?

What did not work well in your design process?

On your next design project, what are the three most important things to do to ensure a quality design?