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Post at least one comment to each of the questions listed below. Also post your own questions and thoughts on the lesson.

  1. Since former defense bases are often large tracts of land that are sometimes in valuable real estate areas, is it in the best interest of the US to return these tracts of land back to nature or to allow commercial development?
  2. If someone committed an act of pollution prior to a criminal statute for such an act, yet the pollution has effects that may last generations, should we have the right to prosecute the act under current laws that criminalize polluters?

How to Participate in the Discussion

  1. Log in to Blackboard and go to the ETox Course.
  2. Click on Discussion.
  3. Choose the discussion topic Lecture discussions.
  4. ReadingMessages:
    • Under the Subjectcolumn click on a message.
    • If you see a Plusnext to a message that means there are more messages in that thread.They can be expanded by clicking on the Plus.
  5. Posting Messages:
    • Click on Create Message
    • Type your subject and message
    • Attachany files you need to
    • pressPost
  6. Refer to Blackboard for additional assistance.

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