Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design

1 Overview

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design
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This lesson is an introduction to basic sampling designs. It does NOT cover these topics in great detail, but instead provides on overview of this broad statistical field.

After completing this lesson you should be able to:

bulletIdentify the steps used when designing and conducting a study
bulletRecognize experimental studies and surveys
bulletOutline the different types of sampling designs used in experimental studies and surveys
bulletDescribe the advantages and disadvantages of different types of experimental designs
< Lesson 1 |  

2 Introduction to Sampling Design

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design

The design used when collecting data is not only the first step in any experiment, but it is a crucial step in understanding the inference of a given study. There are five fundamental questions you should consider when designing an experiment or reviewing a published experiment.

  1. What are the objectives of the study?
  2. What are the variables of interest?
  3. What is an expectable sampling design?
  4. How should the data be collected?
  5. How will I analyze the data?

Understanding the problem which the study is attempting to address is the first step you should use when designing your own experiment or reviewing a published experiment.


A land management agency wants to assess the publics perception of wildfire use policies in order to increase the amount of wildfire use they have. Therefore the agency must determine which aspect of wildfire use determines a person’s perception of wildfire use.

Next, we would have to identify which variables are of interest by reviewing the objectives of this study. Factors such as cost, and public safety may be identified as important variables and will therefore be used in the study. Other information such as age, sex, location, and amount of income, etc. may also be collected. Once the objectives and variables of interest are specified the agency would have to decide how to collect the data.


3 Introduction to Sampling Design cont.

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design
The process of collecting data can consist of surveys, experiments, or the review of existing data.


Surveys are a passive form of data collection, where the goal is to gather data on existing conditions, attitudes or behavior. Therefore in our example the agency may want to use a survey to sample current residents who live in areas which are currently using wildfire use in their forests.


Experiments or scientific studies are an active approach to data collection. In conducting an experiment one varies some environmental condition and then studies the effect of that condition on the outcome. In our example, the agency could simply increase the amount of wildfire use they have in some areas and assess whether the opinion of the people in those areas has changed.

It should be noted that when conducting an experiment as many factors should be held constant as possible.


We could measure the effects of a fertilizer on tree growth on a national forest, but we would have little control over temperature, humidity, insects etc… where as if we conducted the same experiment in a green house we could control all of these variables.


4 An Introduction to Surveys

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design

Surveys are used all the time in popular media. For example, a public opinion poll. They are also used by scientists, engineers, and corporations all the time. One of the most common surveys is the census conducted every ten years.

One of the most important aspects to consider when conducting a survey or reviewing the published data of a survey is the manner in which the sample was selected from the population.


5 Common Survey Sampling Designs

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design

Simple Random Sample

One method of sampling is a simple random sample. Using this design we select n units from the population in such a way that each sample has the same chance of being selected. In other words, every experimental unit has the same probability of being selected to be surveyed.


If we wanted to collect information about public opinion of the Forest Service in a particular town we could simply get a list of all the residents of that town, and randomly choose names from the list to take our survey.

Stratified Random Sample

Another approach, which is similar to simple random sampling is stratified random sampling. Using this approach we divide the population into two or more groups based on some factor, such as age or income. Once the population is stratified we then use the principals of a simple random sampling design in each stratification.

In the example above, we may be concerned about the opinion of men and women about the forest service in this town. So we would randomly choose names from a list of all the men and all the women who live in the town to take our survey.

Systematic Sampling

Systematic sampling is another technique often used when conducting a survey. Under this design we may sample every tenth person from the population. Often time’s systematic sampling will be called random systematic sampling. This implies that a random starting point was used and then every tenth person was sampled.


If we had a list of every resident in a town near our forest, we could randomly pick a name at the beginning of the list and then survey every tenth person from then on.


6 Problems Associated With Surveys

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design
Associated With Surveys and the Data Collection Process:
There are two main problematic factors associated with surveys. The first is problems with the measurements and the second is nonresponsive participants in the survey.

Measurement Problems

In the case of measurement problems, we are mostly talking about issues with the wording of surveys, and the way a question is phrased. Specific problems can arise when a interviewee can not remember the answer to a question, or when the question is designed to lead a person to answer in a way that may not represent their opinion, and often times a question is unclear. There are many texts and courses which are designed to provide more information on how to create and conduct surveys.

Nonresponsive Participants

Even after we have decided on a sampling method, and designed our questioner, we still must collect the data. Most often survey data is collected using personal interviews or phone interviews. However, another popular method is the self-administered questionnaire, these are typically mailed to the individual and completed by the respondent.


7 Introduction to Experimental Studies

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design
As we have already discussed, the objective of using statistics is to make some inference about a population. This statement is the ultimate goal of experimental studies. Although this section is titled Introduction to Experimental Studies the concepts that we will discuss can be applied to conducting scientific studies, reading scientific articles, and designing a field survey (such as a timber inventory).

Designing a good sampling strategy can be a very challenging task for researchers, and agency personnel who are conducting a field inventory. Just as with surveys, you must first identify what you will sample and what your population is.


You may decide that instead of randomly choosing individual trees within your population you will randomly sample 1 acre pieces of land from the population. Once you have decided upon your population and your experimental unit you must decide how the sampling will take place.


8 Simple Random Sampling

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design
The most common type of sampling design is the simple random sampling. In fact, most statistical equations assume that you have conducted a simple random sample. Using this approach every possible combination of experimental units has an equal and independent chance of being selected. This approach implies that two conditions must be met first that every experimental unit has an equal chance of being selected and second that the outcome of one selection is not dependent upon the outcome of another selection. You could simply do this by assigning every unit a number and then randomly pick x numbers for sampling.

Figure 1. A possible arrangement for 56 samples using a simple random sampling design


9 Systematic Random Sampling

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design
Another common form of sampling in forest timber and range inventories is systematic sampling. Using this approach an initial experimental unit is established, usually randomly, and then sampling units are chosen at a uniform spacing. Systematic sampling has a few advantages over simple random sampling:
  1. First, the experimental units are easy to locate since they are evenly spaced.
  2. Second, they appear to be more representative since they are evenly spaced across the population.

However, the disadvantages are that it is hard to estimate variance or standard error for one systematic sample and that it is possible the accuracy could be very low if the sampling coincides with a periodic variation inherent in the landscape.

Although this sampling design has been widely used it is best suited for times when only an estimation of the mean is needed. If an estimation of precision needs to calculated it would be best to use a random sampling design

Figure 2. A possible arrangement 63 samples using a systemic sampling design.


10 Stratified Random Sampling Design

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design
The last sampling design we will discuss is a stratified random sampling design. This type of sampling design requires you to divide the population into subpopulation of a known size.

We could divide a watershed up into vegetation classes or into treatment blocks. Once the strata are identified at least two samples will be collected from each strata or subpopulation.

The advantage of this sampling design is that you can have a more precise estimation of the population mean compared to a simple random design of the same size. It may also be beneficial to look at each subpopulation. For example if each stratum is a different vegetation type we may have different long term goals and management tools to consider when treating the population.

Figure 3. Possible arrangement of 56 samples using a stratified random sampling method. Notice that the strata are identified by the blue line and labeled a through c.


11 Sampling Design Conclusions

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design
To conclude this section we will have a short self quiz, but you should be aware that there are typically entire courses devoted to the idea of sampling design. The previous section is in no way a substitute for such a course. The goals were to simply provide enough information to critically think about the use of statistics in your own work and when reading published scientific findings.

Insert picture of someone conducting field inventories


12 Review Questions

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design
| Lesson 3 >
  1. Which of the following are not common problems with surveys?
a. A no response
b. Leading questions
c. Poorly worded questions
d. None of the above
e. A, B and C



  1. Which of the following is/are the major advantage of a systematic sampling design?
a. The sampling units are easy to locate
b. The samples appear to be more representative of the population
c. The samples from one site allow for a very precise estimate of the variation within a site
d. A and C
e. A and B
f. B and C



  1. True or False. A stratified random sampling design will provide a better estimate of the population mean if the strata are carefully chosen.
a. True
b. False


  1. A simple random sampling design implies that which of the following is true?
a. The experimental units all have the same probability of being chosen and are independent of each other
b. The experimental units all have the same probability of being chosen but are dependent on the unit chosen before
c. The experimental units do not need to have the same probability of being chosen at all they just have to be independent of each other
d. The experimental units must be randomly chosen but do not have to be independent of each other


| Lesson 3 >