University of Idaho Psychology of Learning
Lesson 3: Study Questions


Department of Psychology

University of Idaho
  All rights reserved.

  Psychology Dept.
  University of Idaho






Thinking / Study Questions


  1. Describe the mathematical equation for determining a response according to Hull.
  2. Why is “Drive” so important for Hullian models? What are some problems with the concept of drive?
  3. Describe Mowrer’s two-factor theory of avoidance. How does it compare with D’Amato’s view?
  4. What is Guthrie’s contiguity view? How does it relate to reward?
  5. Describe Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism.
  6. What did Tolman determine with his T-Maze experiments?
  7. What is Latent Learning? How does it compare with Place Learning?
  8. Is reward necessary for learning? Defend your answer.