University of Idaho ECO-DORM Evaluation of the Second Floor

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     We predict that on the second floor of the Eco-dorm, consisting of dorm rooms, lavatories, study room and circulation, there will be differing conditions on the north and south sides.  This will be due to solar gains, condensation, heater cycles and user modifications. 


    The approach to evaluating this hypothesis will be to take specific measurements of the assigned area. These measurements will include temperature readings, humidity readings, personal observations, and a daylight evaluation model.   The temperature and humidity readings will be collected in two sessions.  Each session or test series will involve seven locations of data collection for a period of around one week.  At each location a hobo will be placed to record temperature and humidity on a frequent basis.  In addition to the hobo data collection we will observe conditions within the dorm rooms accounting for occupant modification.

Task Schedule:

Task Actions Results
building choice research and discuss local possibilities  chose University of Idaho's Eco-Dorm
tour building visit building with tour guide observed living conditions
choose area to evaluate research and discuss areas chose second floor living areas
hypothesis discuss and argue hypothesis decided
data collection place hobos in rooms and outside failed mission - data collector malfunction
continue data collection previous failed data collection caused depression could not work
data collection - test series one place hobos in rooms and outside we have a winner! - collection successful
web page design choose theme changed entire class website - very bad
continue web design scared to attend class for fear of our lives rocking back and forth in the fetal position 
data collection - test series two place hobos in rooms and outside collection successful
web page design fix previous errors and move on the theme "snyder" and web page unveiling 
continue web design put information gathered on-line links and navigation throughout web page
visit Eco-Dorm take pictures to document conditions pictures downloaded to X drive
place pictures on web page retrieve pictures from X drive X drive folder sabotaged 
continue web design search for files on the X drive total annihilation of files must retake pictures
retake pictures of Eco-Dorm visit Eco-Dorm and take pictures  pictures secured on web page
evaluate data collected discussion and critique of existing work modify 
conclusion discuss and create conclusion while stomach is growling procrastinate - ate lunch
final web page completion complete web page web page complete