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Homework Eleven


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1.  Self esteem drops during the early elementary school years.

2. is a type of attributional style where children believe their successes are due to luck and their failures due to low levels of ability.

3. is the type of parenting where children are given increasing levels of control over moment to moment decision-making while parents retain high levels of general oversight.

4. Using the categories of peer acceptance discussed in the book fill in the following blanks:
are children more likely to be bullies.
are children more likely to be bullied by others.
do not feel sad about their relatively invisible status with peers 

5. Making the transition to a low-conflict, single-parent household is better for children than staying in a high-conflict intact family.

6.  Which of the following are common immediate consequences for children whose parents end their marriage:
Mother-headed single households typically experience sharp drop in income
Maternal depression & stress often lead to family disorganization
Noncustodial fathers often increase their contact with children over time
Child post-divorce adjustment is better when parents provide consistent guidance, warmth and involvement

7.  During middle childhood girls show (more/ less) identification with traits defined as feminine and are (more/ less) than boys to experiment with a wide range of activities.

8.  More quarreling generally occurs between siblings who are close in typically because parents are comparing the children and evaluating one more favorably.  This tendency is more likely when parents experience

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