PEP 300


Lecture Topics
Lab Activities


Assigned Readings

Learning Objectives/Study Questions - Tissue Level

Learning Objectives/Study Questions - System Level

Topic Outline

Lecture Handouts




Assigned Readings

Hamill & Knutzen.  2008.  Chapter 2:  pages 28-57


Learning Objectives/Study Questions - Tissue Level


arthrology joint (articulation) osteology
axial skeleton appendicular skeleton cartilage
flat bones long bones short bone
irregular bone sesamoid bone extensibility
collagen elastin ground substance
connective tissue elasticity extracellular matrix
ossification epiphysis epiphyseal plate
diaphysis medullary cavity endosteum
periosteum cortical bone cancellous bone
strength cartilage connective tissue
load deformation stiffness
osteopenia osteoporosis  


1. From your human anatomy course, list the levels of structural organization in the human body. For each,
  • Define it and describe the general features of that level and its subclassifications.
  • Provide examples of a functional anatomy question that might be asked at each level.
  • Provide examples of a biomechanics question that might be asked at each level.
2. Describe the components of the skeletal system and their functions.
3. Describe the different types of bones and their functions, and provide examples of each.
4. List and describe 3 types of cartilage found in the body, and be able to provide examples of each.
5. Describe the parts of a typical long bone and identify these on a diagram.
6. List and describe the types of connective tissue found in the body, and provide examples of structures in the musculoskeletal system that are made up of these different types of tissues.
7. Describe the general structure and function of connective tissue.
8. Identify the following mechanical properties on a load-deformation curve: strength, elasticity, extensibility, stiffness. Be able to discuss each of them and draw stress-strain curves that illustrate differences in these properties.


1. What are the differences between the axial and appendicular skeletons?
2. What is the purpose of a sesamoid bone?


Learning Objectives/Study Questions - System Level

ligament hypermobility hypomobility
tendon tendon sheath aponeurosis
retinaculum bursa synarthrodial joint
stability mobility amphiarthrodial joint
range of motion labrum diarthrodial joint
joint capsule articular disc fascia
laxity luxation subluxation
dislocation sprain fracture


1. Identify and provide examples of the different types of joints located in the human body, and compare them on the basis of structure and function.
2. Classify the major joints in the body in terms of structure and function, and identify the joint actions that occur at each joint. (Joints that you are responsible for are the shoulder, elbow, radioulnar, wrist, IP, MCP/MTP, IC/IT, CMC/TMT, hip knee, ankle, body-to-body vertebral joints, facet-to-facet vertebral joints, atlantoaxial, tibiofibular, symphysis pubis.)
3. Identify the distinguishing features of a diathrodial joint.
4. Identify the accessory structures located in and around joints, and describe the function that each serves.
5. Explain how bony, ligamentous, and capsular structures function to prevent excessive motion at joints.


1. What type of motion is available at a pivot joint?  Give at least two example of pivot joints.
2. Which joint structure(s) connects muscle to bone?
3. What type of joint structure pads and protects areas of great friction?


Topic Outline

I. Tissue Level Structure & Function
II. Organ Level Structure & Function

System Level Structure & Function


A. Accessory Structures

B. Classification of Joints

C. Stability-Mobility Function of Joints


Lecture Handouts

Joint Function Handout