Introduction to the Theatre

THE 101 / University of Idaho


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Theatrical Review Form

THEA 101 / All Sections


This form is to accompany all theatrical reviews turned in as assignments for

Introduction to the Theatre (THEA 101).   Papers without this form (signed and stapled to the front of the review) will be considered incomplete.


1.   I have read this paper and it follows the course format in both length and content.   It is at least three pages long, double-spaced, and covers the aspects of the production to which our section was assigned (acting, directing, spectacle, etc.).

2.   This paper follows the course format regarding the proper title, the inclusion of a short synopsis no longer than a paragraph, with the remainder and bulk of the review evaluating my perceptions on the assigned area of focus (acting, directing, spectacle, etc.).

3.   My review is stapled in the upper left-hand corner.

4.   My review was printed in a text that does not exceed 12 points, and is of a density that is easy to read.

5.   his review contains my own thoughts.   All borrowed items of thought, whether local or national, are cited in the proper MLA or APA format.

6.   I have read my review and it is free from grammatical errors, typos, and improper punctuation.

7.   I understand that these are the main criteria for the evaluation of my review and that this review will be viewed under this agreement.


Signed:______________________________________   Date:  ____________

Name: ______________________________________    (Please Print)