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The radii of the arcs of eighteen terraces increase concentrically from the Shrine of the Báb, which is on the central (10th) terrace. They form nine imaginary circles that are symbolic of the realms of spiritual energy around the Shrine.


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The eighteen terraces around the Shrine are in honor of the Eighteen Letters of the Living, the first to recognize the station of the Báb before His public declaration.  Although each terrace doesn't represent a specific Letters of the Living, each terrace has different brick work, gates, and vegetation (L).


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The Bahá'í World Center Audio/Visual Department


  The small lights lining the path to the Shrine of the Báb, the lamps on each terrace, and the lights on the Shrine, all were incorporated to pay tribute to the many dark nights the Báb endured in prison for teaching His Cause (L).


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