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The Bahá'í World Center Audio/Visual Department

Above:   Hallowed as the "Vineyard of the Lord" and the "Pathway of the Kings," the Bahá'í Terraces serve to symbolize the exalted station of the Báb and the sacredness of pilgrimage to His Shrine.


'Abdu'l-Bahá had envisioned a prayerful and meditative approach to the Shrine of the Báb that would glorify this exalted place.  The approach would span from the foot to the summit of Mt. Carmel:  nine terraces above the Shrine and nine below.   These green garden terraces would be designed like a setting for a precious jewel, the Shrine of the Báb.  This vision is now lovingly being carried out (G-8).

The Terraces are spiritually significant to the Bahá'í Community.  After years of planning, Architect Hossein Amanat and Project Manager Fariburz Sahba began the construction in 1990.  The designers incorporated religious symbolism to beautify the Terraces and concentrated on maintaining continuity in the design (L).   

The Terraces are also important to Haifa.  The top terrace is already open to public visitation, and more will open in the future.  City planners have worked in close consultation with the Bahá'ís, knowing their architectural projects are a major asset to Haifa.  At the same time the City of Haifa is restoring the main avenue of the German Templer colony below and has shifted its central axis to align with the Shrine and Terraces(L).  


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The Bahá'í World Center Audio/Visual Department
Left:  The Terraces provide an majestic view of the Haifa bay, across which is 'Akká and Bahjí.

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