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Lesson 1: Integers and Numbers
5 Integer Division < Back | Next >
When we divide two integers we are trying to find out how many objects will be in each group.

If we have 20 / 4 (twenty divided by 4) we could rewrite this as 4 times what = 20. When we solve this equation we see that 4 times 5 equals 20 so 20 dived by four equals 5.

Just like integer multiplication we have rules that govern integer division. Let’s start by thinking about a log that is 12 feet long, if we divide this log into 1 piece it will still be 12 feet long, so any number divided by 1 is that number. Now since a log with no length, that is length equals 0, will not exist it is impossible to divide by zero. So we say the result is undefined. Just like in multiplication when we have two integers with different signs we will get a negative integer, and when we have two integers with the same sign we get a positive integer.


Let’s now imagine a log that is 13 feet long, we want to divide this log into 4 groups. You will see that we get 3 sections of log that are 4 feet long and we have a 1 foot long section remaining. In this case we say that 13 divided by 4 equals 3 with a reminder of 1.

1 Introduction to Numbers
2 Integers & Whole Numbers
3 Add & Subtract Integers
4 Multiplication of Integers
5 Integer Division
6 Properties of Numbers
7 Types of Real Numbers
8 Order of Operations
9 Roots and Powers
10 Multiply/Divide Exponents
11 Raising to a Power
12 Roots and Radicals
13 Scientific Notation & Approx
14 Accuracy & Precision
15 Operations w/ Approximate
16 Scientific Notation
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