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Lesson 1: Integers and Numbers
7 Types of Real Numbers < Back | Next >
A real number is either rational or irrational. A number is rational if it can be expressed in the form of x / y where x and y are both integers.

4/5 is rational since 4 and 5 are both integers
7 is rational number since it can be expressed as 7/1 and 7 and 1 are both integers
2.4 is rational since it can be expressed as 12/5 and both 12 and 5 are integers

Rational numbers either have a terminating decimal such as 6.254 or a repeating decimal such as 0.3333333

Irrational numbers on the other hand can not be expressed in the form x / y, and have a never ending and never repeating decimal. For example pie is an irrational number.

Other types of real numbers include prime numbers. Prime numbers are a positive integer which has exactly two factors, 1 and itself. The first 4 prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, and 7.

All other positive integers are composite and they have 3 or more factors. For example 12 has factors 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 . Note that the number one is neither prime nor composite since it has exactly one factor.

1 Introduction to Numbers
2 Integers & Whole Numbers
3 Add & Subtract Integers
4 Multiplication of Integers
5 Integer Division
6 Properties of Numbers
7 Types of Real Numbers
8 Order of Operations
9 Roots and Powers
10 Multiply/Divide Exponents
11 Raising to a Power
12 Roots and Radicals
13 Scientific Notation & Approx
14 Accuracy & Precision
15 Operations w/ Approximate
16 Scientific Notation
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