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Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Sampling Design
6 Problems Associated With Surveys and the Data Collection Process: < Back | Next >
There are two main problematic factors associated with surveys. The first is problems with the measurements and the second is nonresponsive participants in the survey.

Measurement Problems

In the case of measurement problems, we are mostly talking about issues with the wording of surveys, and the way a question is phrased. Specific problems can arise when a interviewee can not remember the answer to a question, or when the question is designed to lead a person to answer in a way that may not represent their opinion, and often times a question is unclear. There are many texts and courses which are designed to provide more information on how to create and conduct surveys.

Nonresponsive Participants

Even after we have decided on a sampling method, and designed our questioner, we still must collect the data. Most often survey data is collected using personal interviews or phone interviews. However, another popular method is the self-administered questionnaire, these are typically mailed to the individual and completed by the respondent.

1 Overview
2 Intro to Sampling Design
3 Intro to Sampling Design cont.
4 Intro to Surveys
5 Common Survey Sampling Designs
6 Problems
7 Intro to Experimental Studies
8 Simple Random Sampling
9 Systematic Random Sampling
10 Stratified Random Sampling Design
11 Sampling Design Conclusions
12 Review Questions
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