Analysis 3 - Radiant Heater Effectiveness

In order to test our hypothesis about the effectiveness of the radiant heaters, we placed HOBOs above the heaters in the atrium space, and used the HOBOs from the stratification experiments as a control group.

According to our results, the HOBO above the heaters on the second floor was recording temperatures cooler those from the control HOBO in the interior atrium space. We understood this to mean that the control HOBO on the second floor was being struck by sunlight or even radiated heat so it was warmer than the heater on the second floor.

On the first floor, the heater was warmer than the control HOBO, which was placed under the stairs, away from direct sunlight and minimizing exposure to reflected light or heat.

Due to these factors, we cannot say with real confidence that the heaters have a significant impact on the overall temperature of the space.

The collected data shows that there is a definite relationship between when the heaters turn on, and the temperature swings in the HOBO data.  There are many factors which affect the temperatures of the atrium and so we cannot say for sure whether the room would stay within average comfort levels without the operation of the radiant heaters.