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Hypothesis 1:

On sunny days, we found that a glare does exist on the ground floor in the main seating area. According to the data and images we found that on partly cloudy and overcast days the glare was not severe enough to cause discomfort. Lumen Micro was able to show us the very high levels of light entering on the first floor along with how deep direct sun light was able to enter.

Hypothesis 2 & 3:

Overall the space remains within the comfort zone for business hours, which immediately foils Hypothesis #3. The stratification of the air temperature from the 1st Floor to the 2nd Floor is minimal (1-2 degrees Fahrenheit). Hypothesis #2 was correct in that the espresso machine does create enough heat to raise the temperature above the comfort zone, and the barista station does stay within the comfort zone of 65-78 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus the space is well designed and comfortable for everyone part of the One World Café.

Hypothesis 4:

According to the illuminance data we found that the light levels within the loft area did not reach task lighting requirements. The lighting level with the lights off only reached 6 footcandles where 10 was needed. And Lumen Micro again was able to show the minimal sun penetration onto the reflective surfaces (concrete floor) of the first floor.