The west end of the LCM office on the lower level has a cold spot near its floor.

Plan of the LCM office showing placement of Hobos.
Graph of data collected from the LCM Hobos

The average temperatures from the LCM Office are:
Hot Spot: 72.9
Heater: 63.1
Desk: 65.4
Cold Spot: 62.9
Shelf: 64.5

Water temperature is greatly reduced while flowing through uninsulated pipes from the boiler to the radiators.

Diagram of hobo placement on pipes

Below is the graph of the recorded temperatures from all of the Hobos which were placed on the pipes at the above locations.

Graph of pipe temperatures


Average Pipe temperatures:
Pipe 1: 90.2
Pipe 2: 83.2
Pipe 3: 81.8
Pipe 4: 74.1

The windows in the meeting space on the upper level provide adequate daylighting of 10-20 footcandles between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM from march through september.

The locations of the actual light readings are shown below.
locations of light readings

The chart below shows actual illuminance readings from the above locations in footcandles:

chart of light readings

Overall average illuminance (excluding rows A, B, M, N): 14.9 footcandles

The image below displays the light levels in the space as simulated by Lumen Micro. The contour lines are set to an interval of 10 footcandles, starting at 10 fc with the dark blue line towards the center of the space.

Simulated light values


Lumen Micro rendering
Lumen Micro rendering, looking east.

Lumen Micro rendering
Lumen Micro rendering, looking northwest.

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