The west end of the LCM office on the lower level has a cold spot near its floor.

We tested our first hypothesis by placing several Hobos within the office at various locations as depicted in the below image.

Plan of the LCM office showing placement of Hobos.

We placed one hobo in the alleged "cold spot" near the floor of the closet,
one in the "hot spot" near the top of the closet,
one on the radiator to determine if and when it is operating,
and two within the space to get an idea of the ambient temperature in the room.

We also plan to use the Raytek to determine surface temperatures throughout the office in an attempt to locate anomalies.

Water temperature is greatly reduced while flowing through uninsulated pipes from the boiler to the radiators.

For our second hypothesis we affixed Hobo probes to the exposed pipes in various locations along their path.

Hobo placement

The hobo probes were attached directly to the exposed pipes.

The windows in the meeting space on the upper level provide adequate daylighting of 10-20 footcandles between 10:00am and 2:00pm from March through September.

For our third hypothesis we used the illuminance meters to take readings throughout the space at varying times of day and with varying sky conditions.

We have also built a Lumen Micro model to simulate the daylighting throughout the year.

The meeting space has several windows, including clerestories, providing light to the space.

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