Magnetic Forces in Action

Prof. Batric Pesic
Electrochemistry Lab
Hydroprocessing Lab
Graduate Students
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Simulation of Magnetization Reversal in a Ni-Microbar



       Toward further understanding of the magnetization switching mechanisms, the magnetization reversal study was performed by utilizing the simulation code (OOMMF) developed by NIST.  The magnetization reversal simulation was applied on a nickel microbar.  Saturation magnetization used for modeling was Ms = 4.9·105 A m-1, with the cell size 10nm x 10nm x 55 nm (film thickness).  The magnetocrystalline anisotropy coefficient, K1, was set to zero, implying the polycrystalline nature of microbars.  The exchange stiffness parameter A was set to 9·10-12 J m-1, while damping coefficient a was set to 0.1.  Each cell used for calculation encompassed a template area of 5x5 pixels. The geometry used for modeling was an actual AFM image of a Ni-microbar, produced by electrodeposition in a void prepared by nanoimprint lithography. The characteristics of a Ni-microbar were: Aspect ratio=5.00, some edge roughness, and oval ends with slight irregularities.

        It was found that the magnetization reversal initiates by vortices formed at the microbar ends, with simultaneous formation of 90º transverse domain walls across the microbar.  The magnetization reversal proceeds by propagation of vortex cores perpendicularly to the direction of applied field (long axis), and gradual reversal in the central area of a microbar.  Notice that edge irregularities serve as pinning sites for magnetization reversal.



Cobalt Microbars in As-Deposited Magnetization State

        This image shows 55nm tall cobalt microbars of various aspect ratios prepared by  electrodeposition in patterned voids.  The patterning was done by nanoimprint lithography (Obducat-Sweden) by using a typical DVD stamp. The left panel is the AFM 3D height-image, while the right panel represents the magnetic force image taken in the magnetic force microscopy (MFM) mode.

        According to the MFM, the longer microbars are in single domain states, as indicated by the bright-to-dark contrast, while the shorter microbars are in multi-domain states.  Some of the multi-domain states that can be identified are: vortex, seven domain (or diamond) state, and microbars with crosstie walls.