Lab Doubles as Home Away from Home

Background / The Challenge / How Lab Works / Hiring Tutors /
Training Tutors / Evaluation  / Student's Story
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How the lab works: "It's theirs"
The study lab doubles as home away from home where students come whether they need a tutor or whether they simply want to sit among people they know as they complete homework assignments.
     Students sign in and out and write names of tutors they plan to meet with and on what subject, all an aid to record keeping.
     "I try to stay out of the lab," says McLaughlin," so they--both the tutors and students--feel ownership, that it is their place. If I'm there, they are likely to come to me with problems, rather than working out their own solutions." Students take turns bringing coffee and treats to share. Talking is allowed, and if talking disturbs some students, they are encouraged to work it out among themselves.

Students don't want a 'no talking' policy
     "Sometimes this means going to another room for quiet," says McLaughlin. "But students like the freedom to discuss class issues if they need to. They don't want a 'no talking' policy like at the library.
     "There's a real sense of community here," says McLaughlin. "We often help students through tears of frustration about school or home or work. These students have to make major sacrifices to be here. Some even collect cans to buy gas to get to campus. We primarily address academic issues, but sometimes students need to sort through other challenges which appear overwhelming to them." For that reason all tutors can refer students to other services including instructors, health, counseling or career services, Student Life for advising, and the campus writing lab.
     A number of students interviewed for this paper said they doubted they would still be in college without the personal and academic support tutors provide.

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Students sign in and write names of tutors they want to work with

"We primarily address academic issues, but sometimes students need to sort through other challenges..."
Margie McLaughlin, retention specialist

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