CETL | Canvas | AI Guide | Course Design | Online | Software | Workshops Canvas Support (Instructor Help)
24/7 Canvas SupportClick on Help at the bottom left of Canvas, to get to 24/7 LIVE Canvas Help Chat. You will also find additional resources including Canvas Instructor Guides, UI Canvas Tutorials for Instructors, and UI Technology Support.
Contact the CETL Instructional Designers for assistance with Canvas Course Design.
Time Zones in CanvasThe Canvas Setting default time zone is Pacific Time (Moscow's time zone). However, Canvas allows the instructor to change the default Time Zone for a Course and also allows individuals to change the default Time Zone for their User Account. The Device being used to view due dates also affects time zone as follows:
--> Why are Assignment Due Dates Fluctuating for my students by 1 day? What's New in Canvas?Zoom in CanvasZoom recordings saved to the Zoom Cloud are no longer relocated to OneDrive. Instead, they remain in the Zoom Cloud for 180 days and can be easily shared through Canvas. Discussions RedesignCanvas released a redesign to Canvas Discussions this summer. Watch the Canvas Discussion Redesign video to see these changes in action. More Info >> Panopto VideoUse Panopto to record and host video content for your Canvas course. This option provides long-term storage and Automatic Closed Captioning (CC). More Info >>
CETL Canvas SupportOne-On-One HelpContact coursedesign@uidaho.edu to setup a one-on-one session with a member of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning's Instructional Design Team:
Self-Directed StudyCanvas Help Guides Recorded CETL Workshops
Troubleshooting TIPs
Instructors should be mindful of policies regarding FERPA. |