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Panopto (Instructor Help)
What is Panopto?
Panopto is a Video Streaming Platform configured to be used inside of Canvas. No additional permissions or software are required to use it. Panopto provides a reliable, accessible solution for video (and audio) delivery to you and your students.
Panopto ...
Access to Panopto is ONLY available through Canvas. You must be signed into Canvas to create, save, and view videos stored in Panopto.
Video Storage Comparison
Video Storage Platform |
Closed Captioning |
FERPA Compliant |
Long-Term Storage |
In-Depth Analytics |
Trim & Edit Video |
Panopto |
Zoom Cloud |
Canvas * |
Vimeo Basic |
YouTube |
* CANVAS: Issues when using Canvas Tools to record and/or store video are:
- Canvas has a 500 MB size limit for each student video.
- The Safari Browser doesn't work with the Canvas Recorder.
- Canvas doesn't support Closed Captioning (CC) for videos stored in it.
Deliver Videos with Panopto Through Canvas
Choose the left or right option below:
Add Videos to Modules |
Embed Videos in Pages |
- Go to Modules
- In the desired Module's header bar (right side), press the '+' to create a new item
- Choose External Tool from the pulldown menu
- Select Panopto Video
- Select one of the three tabs (Choose, Upload, or Record) and follow its directions
- Press Insert
- Press Add Item
- Publish for student access (click the circle icon located on the right so it turns green)
- Learn more: Adding Panopto Videos to Canvas Modules
- Enter the Editor in Canvas (e.g., Edit a Canvas Page)
- Select the green "Panopto" logo icon () from the Editor menu
- Select one of the three tabs (Choose, Upload, or Record) and follow its directions
- Press Insert to embed the video
- Press Save to exit out of Edit Mode
- Post the Page to a Module
- Publish for student access (click the circle icon located on the right so it turns green)
- Learn more: Embedding Panopto Videos in Canvas Pages
TIP for uploading a video into Panopto
Wait until Panopto's upload bar is complete. You do not have to wait for Panopto's processing to complete because Panopto processes videos in the background. (Processing time ranges from 1.5 to 3 times the length of the video.) Once processing is complete, you may Trim Your Panopto Video.
Create Assignments that Incorporate Video
- Assign "Watch a Video" as an Assignment
Create a Panopto video assignment to record scores in the Canvas gradebook based on the percentage of the video each student has watched.
- Assign a "Panopto Quiz" as an Assignment
Create a Panopto Quiz embedded in a video. This allows you to see who has taken the quiz and their results, as well as record the quiz scores in your Canvas gradebook.
- Assign "Create a Video" as an Assignment
Create an assignment in Canvas for students to submit their Panopto recordings to for grading.
- Have students use Panopto in the Canvas Discussions tool to share their video submissions with you and the other students in the course. Ask students to Post their videos to Panopto from within a Canvas Discussion using the steps below:
- Post to a Canvas Discussion
- Select the green "Panopto" icon () from the Canvas Editor Tool Bar
- Select Upload or Record
If Recording, choose Capture (Browser)
"Step-by-Step" Tutorials
Visit Panopto's Searchable Help for additional topics.
Record a Video using Panopto
- Enter the Editor in Canvas (e.g., Edit a Canvas Page, Post to a Discussion)
- Select the green "Panopto" icon () from the Canvas Editor Tool Bar
- Select Record (3rd option over)
- Select Capture (Browser) to record online (left option)
Note: If you wish to record/edit offline using your desktop
computer's hard drive, install one of Panopto's Desktop Apps (Panopto for Windows, Panopto for Mac) instead of using the Capture (Browser) option recommended above. Learn about the differences between the various Panopto Recorders.
Capture Settings
Click the Gear icon () in the lower right-hand corner of the screen to enter Settings (shown below).
- Select High Definition (HD) (1920x1080 @ 30 frames/sec) for recording quality.
- For Video layout, adjust how streams appear by selecting Picture in Picture or Tile.
- For Background, select Off, Blur, Default, or an optional virtual background uploaded by you. Panopto allows you to upload three additional backgrounds of your choosing. Note: The University of Idaho digital backgrounds distributed for use with Zoom can be used in Panopto (go to Download U of I Digital Backgrounds).
- For Smart Camera, we recommend selecting Off. Smart Camera automatically tracks and follows the speaker's face. This feature is experimental and requires a high-resolution camera as well as a high-performance computer for best results. If you are using an older computer to record, turning Smart Camera off produces a higher quality video.
Learn more about Panopto's Capture Settings.
Record a Video "Offline" using Panopto
You do not have to be online (i.e., connected to the Internet) to record Panopto videos. Panopto's Desktop Apps allow you to make recordings offline. These recordings are saved to your computer's hard drive and can be uploaded to Panopto at any time for distribution.
Panopto's Desktop Apps
How to Record Offline
- Install the appropriate Panopto Desktop App on your computer (e.g., Windows, Mac). Note: Visit the UIDAHO Software Center to install the Panopto App on a U of I managed computer.
- Run the Panopto Desktop App
- Press OK, to indicate you wish to continue without signing in
- Press the Continue Offline button
- Record and Edit your videos
How to Upload Offline Recordings
- Sign in via the Panopto Desktop App (using your UI login)
- Go to Manage Recordings (shown below)
- Select which of your Course Folders to upload into
- Press Upload to Server
CETL One-On-One Support
Contact coursedesign@uidaho.edu to setup a one-on-one session with a member of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning's Instructional Design Team:
CETL Workshops & "How to" Recordings
Recorded Workshops
FERPA Guidance
If you wish to record lectures for use in later semesters, you must take steps to comply with FERPA. Record the course lectures in such a way that each student's identity in the course is never revealed. (e.g., Avoid recording student faces and/or names.) More Info: FERPA Guidance for Class Recordings.